Independent Software Testing for SME’s

Generally common understanding is that Independent Software Testing is required only in large organisations, to protect security and functionality of applications. Most of the organization have dedicated teams of testers with various skill levels and expertise. However, a question will arise why should small and medium enterprises (SMEs) spend on software testing? It might appear that this could be skipped without much impact. However, a lot of research has been conducted to detect the root cause of SME failures. One of the main causes is poor quality assurance during the software development lifecycle. Hence software testing is crucial for success of any business.

Importance of Software Testing

Advantages Independent Software testing:

Focusing on superior quality software will build brand loyalty and help SMEs stand out against competitors and be successful in reaching their business goals. Pro – Test Independent software testing is here to help SMEs reach their goals.

Independent software testing is a quality that many people recognize and appreciate in our day today lives. For example we receive advice and support from independent insurance agents, financial advisors etc. Without this independent advice the risk of being misused or misled is higher. In the same way, independent testing plays a critical role in a SME’s software development lifecycle.

Why Pro – Test?

At Pro – Test, we specialise in offering testing services and solutions for SMEs. We understand the SME work environment and challenges faced by them. Our services include:

Connect with us today for a consultation.