Performance Engineering

Performance Engineering is a set of techniques applied during an application development life cycle to ensure the non-functional requirements for performance (as output, expectation, or memory usage) will be met in the outcome.

As the connect between application success and business success continues to gain recognition, particularly during digital transformation application performance engineering has taken on a preventive and perfective role with the software development life cycle.

Why do you need Performance Engineering?

With the growing demand for new technology and connected apps, Software developers need to ensure these apps are user friendly, safe, and scalable. Application Performance is critical for any developer to ensure they stay agile and competent.

With appropriate guidance and support from testers, developers can recognise possible performance issues in the apps early in the development cycle. This will lead to ongoing highly quality fixes in the app, which result in high performing app.

Performance Engineering is essential, if you want to cater to additional users or if you are moving from an in-house solution to a third party provider. Everything needs to be tested, protected, and augmented using the best strategy.

Performance Engineering offers best return on Investment for these two reasons :

We at Pro – Test consider Performance Engineering as one of the topmost priorities while serving customers. Connect with us today to know more about our performance testing capabilities.