Purpose Driven Organisation

The core purpose of Pro – Test’s inception and existence is “Happiness” for our Employees and customers. We aim to achieve success with our happily engaged tribe, leading to a higher customer satisfaction.

Statistics show that employees report “1.7 times higher job satisfaction” and “1.4 times more engagement” at work, 73% of professionals who identify as purpose-driven are satisfied with their jobs.

At Pro – Test, we believe in leading with purpose. Constantly supporting our employees in achieving the organisation’s purpose via their day-to-day work. We have a highly decentralized authority, that enables distributed leadership effort and fosters a broadly supported purpose.

Our leaders are constantly communicating clear expectations. Share a clear vision of the organisation and how to reach our core purpose.

“A recent study found that purpose driven organisations saw their valuations surge 175 percent over 12 years, compared to a growth rate of just 70 percent for brands uncertain of their purpose” *