With rapidly decreasing time to market for software products, there is a pressing need to increase the ROI invested in software development projects. As users of software products, we are becoming highly intolerant to any kind of defects. A minor defect might impact us in various personal ways e.g. If a reminder doesn’t pop up in our phone, we might miss out on a meeting or a personal event. There are ample number of systems which require some level of rigorous testing. We have observed that superficially minor defects annoy and has a direct impact on the business.
Keeping this in mind, a major competitive advantage can be achieved by organisations test their software well and deliver high quality products will ensure:
- Superior Quality – Building the product of choice, with an eye for quality and resilience will help acquire long term market share.
- Faster time to Market – Releasing their products to the market first or before their competitors. Bringing them in front of the innovation queue.
- Economical – Software product efficiency can be increased by bringing in testing during the onset of lifecycle and reducing cost of re-work, brings down total cost of product development.
At Pro – Test , we understand that this challenge continues to exist to find tactical value in every project. Our solutions are dedicated to provide advanced, structured and specialized ways to engage with organizations to meet their Quality requirements.